Friday, October 17, 2008

I've been tagged!

Big thanks to Becky over at Kinexxions to tagging me with one of the newest memes traveling the internet this week. I managed to get this one done without too much I go....

10 years ago I was

* I was teaching Kindergarten and absolutely loving it!

* My "favorite dog" Dakota was still a puppy!

* I was just starting to research my family history!

* I bought my first computer!

* My oldest daughter was starting college and my youngest son at the time was in third grade!

7 Things On Today's To Do List

1. Work the day job (done)

2. Check my blog and comment on others (working on this one now)

3. Take my two sons to get haircuts (if they would get home!)

4. Make dinner (might have to order out!)

5. Try to finish the book I've been reading "The Blue Cotton Gown- a midwife's memoir by Patricia Harman (will attempt after 10:30 when most of the kids will be in bed!)

6. Clean off my desk (I'm stressing thinking about this job, it will probably have to wait for another day!)

7. Get to bed before midnight! (If only, but I can wish!)

5 Snacks I Enjoy

1. I can only pick five? Okay, anything chocolate

2. Jay's Baked Mesquite potato chips (yummy)

3. Cheddar cheese and wheat crackers

4. Snow-caps (chocolate)

5. Junior mints (chocolate again)

5 Places I Have Lived

1. Chicago Ridge, Illinois

2. San Jose, California

3. Justice, Illinois

4. Alsip, Illinois

5. Chicago, Illinois

5 Jobs I Have Had

1. Shampoo girl and manicurist (first real job!)

2. Factory worker (college)

3. Flag guard (college)

4. Retail management (Montgomery Ward, adulthood)

5. Library Specialist (curent, best job, working with books and people!)

Now I am suppose to pass this on to other "Newbie" Genea-Bloggers, so I am tagging the following blogs I have been viewing recently...

Twig Talk

Little Bytes of Life

Speak Up Librarian non genealogy but oodles of information on our deaf community

Thank you again Becky....


Cindy Bergeron Scherwinski said...

I've so enjoyed the "assignment" to visit 10 blogs and comment ... this is the first time I've visited your blog - terrific job! I will certainly return when I have more time to spend reading your posts.

One of my 'ten years ago...' highlights was the fact that I was knee-deep in a litter of puppies. Hard to believe that it was 10 years ago. Our oldest dog is now 13 and my youngest will celebrate his 30th birthday in January. Where does the time go?

Loved your blog - keep up the great work!


Taylorstales-Genealogy said...

Thank you Cindy. I love your blog too. I guess you could call us genealogy geeks!

The Family

The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck

Genealogy Pox, author unknown


SYMPTOMS: Continual complaint as to need for names, dates and places. Patient has a blank expressions, sometimes deaf to spouse and children. Has no taste for work of any kind, except feverishly looking through records at libraries and courthouses.
Has a compulsion to write letters. Swears at mailman when he doesn't leave mail. Frequents strange places such as cemeteries, ruins, and remote desolate country areas. Makes secret night calls and hides phone bills from spouse. Mumbles to self. Has strange, faraway look in eyes.


TREATMENT: Medication is useless. This disease is not fatal, but gets progressively worse. Patient should attend genealogy workshops, subscribe to genealogical magazines and be given a quiet corner in the house where he/she can be alone.

REMARKS: The unusual nature of this disease is that the sicker the patient gets, the more he or she enjoys it!